Case Studies
Understanding what energizes me
I had gone back to graduate school with the intention of pursuing a tenure track professorship, when unforeseen health issues changed every plan I had imagined.
After reading Nick’s book, I contacted the Rockport Institute hoping for some help to navigate a job market now more frightening and foreign. I was especially anxious about being a slightly older job candidate.
I have benefited from the insight, perspective, and support that Susan shares. Unlike many career centers, where everyone is treated the same, Susan’s method includes getting to know me as a person and understanding the activities and ways of being in the world that I find energizing. Instead of worrying about where I fit, I am learning how to create a future with skills and personal predilections that have value to me and potentially to others.
I have learned how to think differently about strengths and interests I had taken for granted. Three things especially have been transformative about working with Susan: insight and suggestions that come from knowing me, specific knowledge about the work place and concrete steps of career building, and an abundant supply of energy that keeps me encouraged and positive.
– Amelia T., Ph.D. candidate Harvard University