The Handmade Life for Grown-Ups
Get Your Do-Over Here
No matter how long you've been doing what you're doing, it's never too late to discover the career and life that's perfect for you.
Are you tired of asking “What if?” Can you remember the exact moment you put your dream on a high shelf? Maybe you can’t remember if you ever had a dream of your own.
It’s never too late for a do-over.
Through a combination of gift and talent testing, personality testing, individualized interpretation and holistic, comprehensive support, our programs will give you the concrete tools you need to understand yourself better, including your natural gifts and talents.
From there, we’ll support and empower you as you ask and answer these key questions:
- Can I transition to a career that is more aligned with my gifts, talents and personality? OR
- How can I change my approach to my current career to better reflect who I am inside?
Do you want to spend the next 20 years dreading Mondays? Or do you want to look forward to and appreciate your work?
Whether you decide to make a dramatic shift or a series of 10 degree turns, we’re here to coach you along.
Happiness really is the best measure of success. That’s what The Handmade Life is all about.
Career Testing Package
Learning about your natural gifts and talents will give you clarity – about who you are, why you do what you do, and where to go from here. Our Career Testing package includes:
- Gift and Talent Testing, including all testing materials and interpretive CD
- Individualized Gift and Talent Testing interpretation, by phone or in person
- Myers-Briggs Type Indicator® Step 2
- Customized personality interpretation, including career implications and recommendations
- Two books on career design and personality type
Cost: $595
Career Design Package
Trying to “figure out” your career can be overwhelming. Our career design process helps you work through a complicated problem step by step. You’ll consider each critical element of your ideal career, from workplace environment, to your values, to what you actual spend your time doing each day. Our Career Design package includes:
- Gift and Talent Testing, including all testing materials and interpretive CD
- Individualized Gift and Talent Testing interpretation, by phone or in person
- Myers-Briggs Type Indicator® Step 2
- Customized personality interpretation, including career implications and recommendations
- Two books on career design and personality type
- Seven additional hours of one-on-one career design coaching
Cost: $1,995
Entrepreneurship Package
Are you thinking of starting a business? Whether you’re just starting out or you’ve been an entrepreneur for a while, now is the perfect time to (re)design your business so it fits your personality, preferences and natural gifts and talents. Because when your business fits who you are, everything is easier.
At The Handmade Life, we specialize in helping entrepreneurs discover who they are and design careers that take advantage of their strengths and reflect their values and preferences.
Our Entrepreneurship Coaching Package includes:
- Gift and talent testing, including all testing materials and interpretive CD
- Myers-Briggs Type Indicator® Step 2
- One-on-one test interpretation with Susan Kohm, by phone or in person
- A copy of The Pathfinder: How to Choose or Change Your Career for a Lifetime of Satisfaction and Success by Nicholas Lore
- A copy of Lifetypes by Sandra Krebs Hirsh and Jean M. Kummerow
- Three additional coaching sessions addressing such issues as natural roles and personality, natural gifts and talents, values and purpose, workplace culture, etc.
Cost: $1,195