Self-expression is not optional
By discovering your unique gifts and talents, you can seek out the best ways to express yourself in college and in life.
Do you prefer learning in a group setting? Are you a member of a Parent-Teacher-Student Association, religious organization, or club with lots of teens or parents of teens that could benefit from these principles?
Contact us today for a schedule of workshops or to inquire about hosting your own workshop!
Understanding Personality for Students and their Parents
Significant personality differences within families impact our ability to communicate, to make decisions and to resolve conflict. Using the Myers-Briggs Type Indicator®, this workshop provides family members with a shared language and proven strategies to help them talk about their similarities, differences and needs in a constructive and intentional manner – an invaluable asset for families making decisions about their educational and professional futures.
Career Design Workshop for Teens and Parents
Asking the right questions about personality, talents, values, and work environment is exactly what students need to begin to choose a major, a college and a career that excites them and at which they can excel. As experienced counselors, we are leery of the notion that a young person should have it all figured out within the confines of their limited life experience. However an understanding of both the elements of career design and their own unique gifts and talents can make “best guesses” a lot better, and allow students to plan on coursework and other life experiences that will help them to discover their true passion and purpose in life.
Gift and Talent Testing
Even adults with years of experience find it difficult to perceive their natural talents accurately. After all, we tend to discount what comes easily! We offer the finest career-oriented Gift and Talent testing available, which gives students concrete and objective information regarding such areas as their preferred problem solving strategies, their natural idea flow, and their personality and work style. An accurate perception of natural gifts and talents and the opportunity to use them on a daily basis is the foundation of a successful academic and professional career.
Understanding Personality and Learning Styles for Educators
Preferences for how we take in information, make decisions, and interact with others has a significant impact on how we learn. As adults endeavoring to inform, engage and inspire our students, an understanding of our own preferences, as well as those of our colleagues and students, maximizes our effectiveness inside and outside the classroom. Participants will complete the Myers-Briggs Type Indicator®.